Welcome to Cameroon
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Cameroon, on the Gulf of Guinea, is a country lying at the junction of western and central Africa. It is country of varied terrain and wildlife.
Its ethnically diverse population is among the most urban in western Africa. The capital is Yaoundé, located in the south-central part of the country. Its biggest city, the seaport Douala, are transit points to ecotourism sites as well as beach resorts like Kribi – near the Chutes de la Lobé waterfalls, which plunge directly into the sea – and Limbe, where the Limbe Wildlife Centre houses rescued primates.
The country’s name is derived from Rio dos Camarões (“River of Prawns”)—the name given to the Wouri River estuary by Portuguese explorers of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Shri Mataji mentions Ivory Coast in the following talks
Guru Puja: Mature and Achieve the State of A Guru 1994/07/24 https://www.amruta.org/1994/07/24/shri-guru-puja-mature-and-achieve-the-state-of-a-guru/?highlight=1994/07/24
… - all the small countries, who did not have an opportunity to offer sari to Shri Mataji before. Also Taiwan, please, take back your sari and present it again now. Taiwan. And this from Vigevano an Italian city. The next present is from Cameroon.
Medical Conference 1995/09/19
… after becoming the Spirit, you don't think of bad things. Then the another very important thing happens to you, that wherever you put your attention, you can even give Realization to people. Like one candle is enlightened, can enlighten many candles, thousands and thousands. I've not been to Africa and there are so many Sahaja Yogis in South Africa, in Cameroon, so many places. I've not been to Siberia. There have been so many who are in Siberia. It is spreading. Those who will be against it will be dropped out very soon. People will know …
Sahaja Yoga in Cameroon
Some History
Cameroon was the first country in central Africa to receive self realization.
A group of Rosicrucian went to France for a seminar and they met a Sahaja Yogini called Arlette who introduced Sahaja Yoga to these seekers and gave them self realization. They felt something special.
They came back to Cameroon and explained their experience to their brothers Rosicrucian's. They then started to learn more but did not make Sahaja Yoga known to the public at that stage.
They then started to get in touch with some Yogis in France. Slowly Sahaja Yoga started to be public in 1990, only few yogis received their self realization at that time, few years later Shri Mataji appointed Ernestine Ebenye as the leader.
We have an ashram in Douala (Bonaberie, Deido, Ndogsimbi and PK11
We have one ashram at Kribi and one ashram in Yaoundé
Spreading Sahaja Yoga
Self realisation programs are conducted every Sunday in Douala city. The collective gather together and give self realisation to the public in the market, park, stadium etc.
There are self realisation programs for almost every upcoming puja and during Christmas holidays
We have classes for children and adults.
For more information about the classes please contact the following people:
Douala Leader:
Ernestine Ebenye +23773356096
Douala Deido center
Celine Alice +237 6 81 14 83 27
Douala Ndogsimbi center:
+237 6 71 43 26 02
Alain Dje +23793973656
