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Bienvenue à
République Démocratique du Congo


La République Démocratique du Congo, de manière informelle, le Congo-Kinshasa, la RD Congo, la RDC, la RDC ou le Congo, et anciennement et aussi familièrement le Zaïre, est un pays d'Afrique centrale. C'est, en termes de superficie, le deuxième plus grand pays d'Afrique (après l'Algérie) et le 11ème au monde.

Avec une population d'environ 92 millions d'habitants, la République démocratique du Congo est la plus peuplée du monde.pays officiellement francophone dans le monde.


The first program was run in 2004 in the capital of DRC, Kinshasa.

The program was organized by sister Johanna Klinge and myself as well as Sylvain Kamulombo.

In 2008 we had two visit from France and Belgium and 2010 few program was done around Kinshasa in Tchikapa , Kikwik , Mbujimai.


Boris: +243997068949

Shri Mataji and DRC

The Congolese inviting Mother to Congo in 1982 05 12 and 1982 06 15

Mother says the Minister of Industries is taking SY to the Congo

Talk to Sahaja Yogis - 1982/05/12

… As soon as she saw, she said, "Ha, ha, come along." Yes, she did not know what was happening to her. "Ha, please come in. Oh, come along.. I am very happy. Come along." She didn't know what has happening to her, you see, the way she was expressing herself, so funny. And then, in France this happened, and then we went to another shop. They said, "You people look so very happy, very happy, relaxed people. So who are you?" And one man who saw Me at the airport, you see, he was from Congo, and he just

Conversation with French Yogis - 1982/06/15

See the sensitive people Alexandre: And they said they would prepare your coming there.

Shri Mataji: And he said: "It’s not mood". He said: "Mother, I am very serious. You must tell me seriously, I am not just joking. I’m going to call You there." He’s in Congo or where? Alexandre: Congo, Mother. He wants You to come there. [Laughter] Warren: Oh my goodness. Another Sahaja Yogi: You made a travel agent as a Sahaja Yogi. Shri Mataji: Now, this is for the building fund. 

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