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Bienvenue au Ghana

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Ghana, pays de l'ouest Afrique, situé sur la côte du Golfe de Guinée. Bien que relativement petit en superficie et en population, le Ghana est l'un des principaux pays d'Afrique, en partie en raison de ses richesses naturelles considérables et en partie parce qu'il a été le premier pays d'Afrique noire au sud de l'Afrique.Sahara pour obtenir l’indépendance de la domination coloniale.

Ghana C'était le premier endroit en Afrique subsaharienne où les Européens sont arrivés pour faire du commerce - d'abord de l'or, puis des esclaves. C’était également la première nation africaine noire de la région à obtenir son indépendance d’une puissance coloniale, en l’occurrence la Grande-Bretagne.

Bien qu’il soit riche en ressources minières et doté d’un bon système éducatif et d’une fonction publique efficace, le Ghana a été victime de la corruption et de la mauvaise gestion peu après son indépendance en 1957.

Voici une courte vidéo d'introduction au Ghana

Sahaja Yoga au Ghana

Plus d'informations à suivre..... 

Shri Mataji talks about Ghana

Workshop - 1985/03/01

Shri Mataji: We have, yes, we have. I have a special concern for that, they we have already. I don’t know, these aboriginals have taken to these things very fast, they should not have taken to these things so fast as that. But somehow I think they lost all their confidence in their personality, in their own culture. And they just have change themselves and they’ve gone amok. I’ve seen, this is happening even in other countries like Peru and all these places. Even Africans, like Ghanaians and all these people are so

Shri Krishna Puja: The State of Witnessing - 1988/08/06

Hersh: Ghana. Guido: He is inscrutable. Yogis: Om twameva sakshat Shri Ghanaya namoh namaha. Hersh: Nahusha. Guido: He binds all creatures by His power of maya. Yogis: Om twameva sakshat Shri Nahusha namoh namaha. Hersh: Mahamaya. Guido: He is the Supreme Creator of illusions. Shri Mataji [to somebody]: …this also… Yogis: Om twameva sakshat Shri Mahamaya namoh namaha. Hersh: Adhokshaja. Guido: His knowledge arises only when the attention goes inwards. Yogis: Om twameva sakshat Shri Adhokshaja namoh namaha. Hersh: YAgnyapati. Guido:
He is the protector, enjoyer and Lord… Yogis: Om twameva sakshat Shri Vegavanaya namoh …

8th Day of Navaratri, Talk to English Yogis on Style and Content - 1989/10/06

I mean you do feel inside. And he was looking very sick, my husband was looking very sick, because he was feeling so sad really that he had lost a friend. I also cried. So they said, “What’s the matter, are you not well?” They were all laughing, joking, and the dead body was lying in the next room! So C.P. said, "No, but such a friend!” “Oh! Be poised! You have no poise, Mr Srivastava!” And one lady had gone, whom she’s also our common friend, she’s from, I think, Ghana or some

Tours in Ghana 

Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Ghana

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