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Bienvenue en Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone est un pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, au bord de l'océan Atlantique. Elle est connue pour ses plages de sable blanc bordant la péninsule de Freetown et son rôle historique dans la traite transatlantique des esclaves.

Freetown est une ville portuaire et la capitale de la Sierra Leon. 

Le cotonnier centenaire de la vieille ville est un symbole d’émancipation. Sur le front de mer se trouve la King's Yard Gate, par laquelle les anciens esclaves marchaient vers la liberté. 

Sierra Leone est également connu dans le monde entier pour ses diamants du sang (également appelés diamants de guerre) qui ont été extraits et vendus comme armes pendant la violente guerre civile du pays de 1991 à 2002.

Vidéo d'introduction à la Sierra Leone

Sahaja Yoga en Sierra Leone


Shri Mataji mentions Sierra Leone

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Challenge the Past and Future - 1986/07/07

… because they are alive. Shri Mataji: That's it. Straight forward. (Applause) Sahaja Yogi: And the other question Shri Mataji, that I had was that Sierra Leone means 'mountain lion'. And it was always a questioning as to what significant this small, small country is, because on the mountain ranges there is one peak, which looks like a lion. So we always toyed with ideas as to what this place was for in the Divine play. So if You could help us Shri Mataji, we appreciate that. (Laughter) Shri Mataji: You see, if you say anything in the body …

Press Conference: The time has come to become the Spirit 1986/07/07

… Islam religion from Algeria. Then, of course you know him very well, and here only you’ll find people of different religions sitting here. There`s a lady from a Hindu religion there sitting. What was your religion Mary? Christian. Born again! Is it self-certified born again? I don't know. That's all the thing (Shri Mataji laughing.) All right. So, of course, no doubt! We have in all religions, all castes all creed. Like Sierra Leone. Now we have got Africans there. Then we have got Spain. Even in Bolivia. What is the religion they follow …

Evening Program Eve of Guru Puja, Talk: We have to be very organized 1986/07/05

This Austria is doing so well under the - I should say now - joint leadership of these two great people, who have organized all this and we really must admire the way everything is moving so smoothly, thanks to them. (Applause) And Richard and Pat from Holland and Belgium. And the most difficult one, Germany, by Hugo. (Applause) The most formidable was started by Jamel and carried on by [Al Jahal?] in Algeria. So one more, one more, but otherwise - there's Sierra Leone is another very great surprise to Me, beautiful surprise came from Sierra Leone, by Peter …

Conversation 1987/05/12

… The whole dhoti could be put inside a walnut. And they killed them. All of them, they cut their thumbs you see, they cut their thumbs. So jealous. Indian Sahaja Yogi: Because the mills of Manchester sell that cloth there.. Shri Mataji: I mean, you cannot compete with Manchester, because that was...this thing. But just an idea. It’s not that... I mean, all of them the English, the French, wherever they went, horrible. French have ruined so many people. Now, this Sierra Leone where these people went - actually, there are Australians working but there are people who …

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